Poster calling volunteers

Poster Call for Volunteers

Poster Call for Volunteers

Poster calling for volunteers – commuters in México. It was inspired in the México Metro Ticket, and the design and original idea is by Noemí Peña, PhD student at De Montfort University. Thanks Noemí!!

The poster was distributed in printed version and e-mail version. The printed version has been posted in the Centro Multimedia del CENART, in CONACULTA, in the CMMAS, and in Bookshops and Cafés in México (Thanks Xóchilt, Daniel, Rodrigo, and Willie and Adriana!!).

The e-mail version has been distributed by Noemí and also by Cati from the Asociación de Mujeres en le Cine y la Televisión. In Morelia, Sonia Aburto has offered support to advertise the last event in that city

The poster design led to the interface of the User Management System which is going to be used first by Mexican commuters. The system was programmed by Tin-Kai Chen, also PhD student at De Montfort University. Thanks Ken!!


I gave a talk about my research on the 11th of March for a Research Group of “Graphic User Interfaces and Computer Mediated Communication” at the Queen Mary, University of London. One question was about synesthesia and how I have involved this fact in my research. My response related the relation sound-smell mentioned by some commuters. One PhD researcher pointed me to explore the tags that people use in the FreeSound Project, as a way of making more dynamic the creation of categories within the ISE. Interesting thought which is nourishing this aspect and another aspects about narratives. Thanks to all researchers who attended, and to Dr. Nick Bryan-Kinns for inviting me.