We are “Listening and Selecting”

CD Un Viaje

CD Un Viaje

Each volunteer had an audio CD with her/his journey. They named their journeys: “Un extranjero en el DF”, “Viaje Mágico”, “Viaje sin sentido”, “Viaje Inesperado”, amongst others. They were listening for almost four hours, through headphones and selecting meaningful sounds using the free audio software Audacity. For most of them it was the first experience in editing audio. With these excerpts of sounds they are re-creating their journeys and amplifying the perception of a daily life environment. By uploading them in the project’s database they are nourishing the structure of what will be an “Interactive Sonic Environment” – México metro. The 3D perception of the space generated by the binaural microphones is surprising for them and engaging. It is not just the perception of the sound, is the relationship that they stablish with the environment, the others and themselves that is being reflected in their selections.

Recording in México – June 30 to July 6

This week participants are making audio recordings of their journeys in the México Metro. There will be 15 journeys in total, as selected by the participants. In addition, I am recording selected sound events. Journeys have variations and are a matter of chance. At the same time, they maintain both the logic of a massive infrastructure underlying a city of 22 million, as well as the magic of this subterranean space. The importance of recording the journeys lies in participants’ experience while travelling: unique, personal, connected to the sounds and to the other passengers, connected to themselves. They are using binaural microphones, improving the perception of space and the spontaneity while recording. I am giving them some messages (‘fortune cookie’ messages) inviting them to think or to react to the sound environment in real time. Overall this is a beautiful experience, which is being commented on by volunteers in the following blog:http://mexicometrosonic.wordpress.com/conexiones/

(In Spanish)

Poster calling volunteers

Poster Call for Volunteers

Poster Call for Volunteers

Poster calling for volunteers – commuters in México. It was inspired in the México Metro Ticket, and the design and original idea is by Noemí Peña, PhD student at De Montfort University. Thanks Noemí!!

The poster was distributed in printed version and e-mail version. The printed version has been posted in the Centro Multimedia del CENART, in CONACULTA, in the CMMAS, and in Bookshops and Cafés in México (Thanks Xóchilt, Daniel, Rodrigo, and Willie and Adriana!!).

The e-mail version has been distributed by Noemí and also by Cati from the Asociación de Mujeres en le Cine y la Televisión. In Morelia, Sonia Aburto has offered support to advertise the last event in that city

The poster design led to the interface of the User Management System which is going to be used first by Mexican commuters. The system was programmed by Tin-Kai Chen, also PhD student at De Montfort University. Thanks Ken!!


Actividades, Fechas, Lugares

1. Entrevista via Skype ó Teléfono, del 19 de Mayo al 13 de Junio.

2. Grabar tu viaje, del 30 de Junio al 5 de Julio, en el Metro.

3. Taller “Escuchar y Seleccionar”, 7, 9 y 11 de Julio, en el Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes – CENART

4. Taller “Sonidos cotidianos y extranjeros”, 15 de Julio, en el Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes – CENART

5. Taller “Lo mínimo que se sienta al máximo”, 15 de Julio, en el Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes – CENART

6. Improvisación “Escuchar y recordar” – México DF, 26 de Julio, en el Centro Multimedia, 10am hasta la 1pm. Todos invitados. Centro Nacional de las Artes – CENART

7. Improvisación “Escuchar y recordar” – Morelia, 30 de Julio, en el Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras – CMMAS

Si estás interesad@, puedes obtener el calendario completo, escribiendo a XAlarcon[at]dmu.ac.uk.

